
Survey just in

A few weeks ago we asked everyone to check the blog and participate in a quick survey. Here are the results.

Which event would you be most interested in doing?

Bowling - 2
Scavenger Hunt - 6
Kickball Tournament - 3
Happy Hour - 3

Please continue to check the left side of the blog for upcoming information and surveys.
If you have an idea that you would like posted please let one of the team leaders know and it will get posted.


Social Committee Goal Statement

In an attempt to better serve the employees here at Directions, the Social Committee would like to take a moment to clarify what our goals are as a team and how we look forward to serving you in the future.

The Social Committee's primary goal is to be a collaborative resource assisting with the implementation of Directions employees interests & ideas. We are here to help facilitate social gatherings & events of all kinds, whether it's something that is near & dear to your heart such as fundraising for breast cancer awareness, or simply getting people together for an old fashioned potluck -- we are interested in helping you get the word out and make your event a success. It is our goal to spread the spirit of cooperation, get to know one another better, bring out the creativity in all of us & most important -- Have Fun! See below for some of the ways we can help bring our team here at Directions closer together:

• The Social Committee Blog (www.directionssocialcommittee.blogspot.com)
Let us help you get the word out about your event by making a special post on our blog. Both your pictures and copy can be uploaded to pique interest!

• Posters and Signage
We would be happy to assist you in organizing your thoughts for an event, making posters,and sign-up sheets (time permitting), or finding places to hang your own shout out -- just speak with a SC Team Leader for details.

• Fiscal Support
Have an idea but short on cash to make it happen? See a Social Committee Team Leader to see if your idea can be sponsored with our support!

We want EVERYONE here at Directions to be a part of the Social Committee team -- to feel comfortable to have an event, share an idea, or just do something fun! We (Jodi, Tara, Aria, Liz) are happy to assist in any way we can -- just let us know!

Thanks You :)
Your Social Committee Team Leaders



Potluck cookout scheduled for July 20!

It’s the All-Star Break. Summer is officially half over. And we have grossly underutilized our beautiful patio, tables and grills. We’re about to change all that.

I have long cast covetous eyes on those magnificent grills, and I can’t wait to get behind the wheel, open the tank valve, and unleash . . . PROPANIUS, god of fire, and grill up some of your summertime favorites! (Gives you chills, doesn’t it?)

We will be putting out a sign-up sheet so that you can select your choice(s) of grilled goodies from our simple — but tasty — fare. We will be offering brats, beef hot dogs, hamburgers and veggie burgers. But save room on your plates and in your innards, because we will also have a sign-up sheet for all of the many culinary experts in our midst to bring in their favorite appetizers, salads, sides and desserts.

Sign-up sheets will be placed in the Galley later this week. That will give you the weekend to peel your veggies, boil your Jell-O, stew your prunes, or whatever you have to do. We would like to know by Wednesday, July 18, if you would like to participate, and in what capacity. Celebrate summer with a good ol’ fashioned Directions cookout!

If you have any questions please see Art and Beth
Photo courtesy of Ann P.



Thank you - Art and Tom L. for volunteering to do set up / clean up for the Luncheon. Other then Art and Tom L. and a few others who's workload did not permit, we had no other volunteers for come forward from our Wanted Ad. So, we are sorry to announce that the Luncheon for Friday the 13th will be canceled.

If you have any questions or comments please see a Committee member. Thanks